<aside> 🎯 GOAL: Find a new design space for the Starship robots on Purdue’s campus that brings some sort of benefit to the users, as well as implementing human-to-human interaction


<aside> 👥 Group Members: 1. Emma Osante 2. Avery Dellinger 3. Nathan Baird 4. Rex Choi


<aside> 🤝🏼  My Contributions: Scenarios, final storyboard, sketches, research, documentation & slide deck contributions.



<aside> ⚠️ Interviews were conducted to students at Purdue University about their overall experience using the Starship app. The results shared that waiting time was long and that the overall purpose of the robot isn’t well-known.



We organized our ideas of a solution to improve the Starship robots into categories which allowed us to realize that we should focus on only one purpose, action, and outcome.



click on each sketch for more information!

Initial Ideas

Initial Storyboards

Stars for Products, Built-in Screen

You create your own “character” in the app before ordering your meal (your character will appear on a screen).

People can scan the robot in the app and rate your character from 1-5 stars.

You collect the stars in your profile and can exchange stars for products in certain restaurants.

The screen on the lid will show a variety of updates like its final destination, Purdue sports updates, and news.

Stars for products storyboard

Stars for products storyboard


Final Design

The robot will be used as a light game in order to obtain points and earn rewards while making connections/friendships along the way, as well as getting more involved with the student community.

This will be added during BGR as a replacement of some old ideas that aren’t as entertaining/motivating as they should be.

🛠️ Modifications:

LED light strip

QR code

LED Light bulb


  1. light game section
  2. leaderboard points

Starship robot modification

Starship robot modification