<aside> 🎯 GOAL: Work collaboratively and understand similar career goals to research how UX design applies to our future job roles by doing job searches, desk reviews, and reflections.


<aside> 👥 Group Members: 1. Emma Osante 2. Mina Mayerczak 3. Natalie Newton 4. Rex Choi


<aside> 🤝🏼  My Contributions: Managing documentation, personal and group reflections/summaries, organizing information on slides and documentation.


Teammates & their dream career:

Team members, college year, dream job company and position

Team members, college year, dream job company and position

STEP 1: Affinity diagram

STEP 2: Secondary Research

STEP 3: Intakes

STEP 4: Slide deck and Documentation

STEP 1: Affinity Diagram

Affinity diagram

Affinity diagram

Common Skills Required by Job Positions

STEP 2: Secondary Research

Article 1


Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 7.34.05 PM.png

Article 2


Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 7.33.49 PM.png

<aside> 📝 Acquired Knowledge from research:


Five main steps in UX:

  1. Research and understanding
  2. Prototyping and wire-framing
  3. Testing
  4. Launch
  5. Iteration

Possible new trends in UX: